Proposed housing sites in Cubbington – Have your say

Proposed housing sites in Cubbington – Have your say

Two sites in Cubbington have been included in the South Warwickshire Local Plan Preferred Options Consultation which is now live and will run for a period of 8 weeks, until 11:59pm on Friday 7th March.

The sites are fields to the north of Leicester Lane and the fields between Cubbington and Lillington behind the social club, St. Theresa’s school and the Rugby Road.

Residents, businesses and other stakeholders are now invited to have their say on the Preferred Options version of the South Warwickshire Local Plan (2050) for the combined areas of Warwick and Stratford-on-Avon District Councils for the next 25 years.
The consultation document and accompanying materials are all available to view on the South Warwickshire Local Plan Website.

If you wish to comment on these plans then wherever possible we encourage the use the online consultation portal
It would be useful if you could let the Parish Council know if you do respond